Will Drafting

Drafting a will involves several key steps to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your death.


01. Initial Meeting

During our initial meeting, we discuss every step of the process to ensure that everything is completed up to your standard. We will begin preparing and gathering all necessary information, such as assessing your assets and identifying liabilities.

02. Choosing Executors and Identifying Beneficiaries

During this step, we will ask you to select executers, who will be responsible for managing your estates, settling debts, and distributing assets after your death. We will also ask you to select those, who will receive your assets. If you wish to include any minors as your beneficiaries, we will ask you to designate a guardian for minor children.

03. Final Draft Approval and Signing

After you have approved the final draft of your will, we will proceed to sign and witness the will.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wills allow others to regulate estates after the person’s death.

Your estates will be your estate will be distributed in accordance with Ontario’s Succession Law Reform Act and someone would need to apply to the court to ask for authority to administer your estate.

Yes, you can write your own will. However, it must meet the legal requirements to be valid. Contact us to book a consultation regarding will drafting.

Yes, you can change your will at any time by creating new will or adding an amendment.

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